going & going & going & stop .
19.12.03 @ 2:55 p.m.

this is all beyond control. murder on our frozen souls. maybe you want more.

i have no more secrets to disclose, so draw the curtains & kill the phone. i don;t want to retell the one about the girl & the boy again.

don;t get me wrong; i;m so glad to see you & the things that you do are so chemically free. it;s a wonder to me that you;re still smiling. i hear you;re top of the heap, you own nothing. that;s cheap. now you;re on top of the world, you;re looking down on the smaller insects that make up yr glass house. you;re the girl with the boys who;s above all creation. you;re the girl with the plan whose going to do all she can for herself.

do they buy what you sell? they say that love;s not for sale, but i think i;ve hit the nail you;ve been holding. have all the friends that you;ve made for the prices you paid come to lie at yr feet & worship the cheat that you made? well, i am, aren;t i?

it;s an open invitation. everybody's free to come. including you. try to solve the situation. the four corners have been undone & it;s no mystery. just a thin line in the sand. it never fails to frighten me when you don;t understand.

come & share a smoke with me. we;ll try to make a plan. it;s no mystery that man-made clouds block the sun. can you think of anything to undo what we;ve already done?

news: my live journal.

music: radiohead; life in a glasshouse
mood: ditzy

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