the number nine .
22.02.04 @ 11:14 p.m.

i don;t believe another song could ever change the world
i don;t believe that little boys grow up to be little girls
i don;t believe that wishing ever really made it so
i don;t believe you love me, you don;t tell me anymore
i don;t believe that suicide could ever open up any doors

can;t count on my lucky star if i don;t know where it;s at
can;t count on my fingers, i;ve got more sense than that
can;t count all my money - it all goes to pay for happiness
can;t count on philosophers if i don;t know what they meant

there;s a time for counting one by one & time for counting what;s been spent

music: ani difranco; not a pretty girl
mood: wiped out

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